Racism, and why so many people don’t understand it.
The problem with racism, like so many other things, is that it’s vastly more complex than people think. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize this.
For example, if you mention the word calculus to people, they understand that it’s a complex subject, and likely takes many years of learning to understand it properly, or at least a very good foundational, functional knowledge of several things, to understand calculus effectively.
Racism is just such a topic, yet people think it’s as simple as “judging someone based on their race/color of their skin”.
Let’s use an analogy with studying mathematics that might make sense to compare this to. Basically the “judging someone based on their race/color of their skin” might be equivalent of an arithmetic level understanding of math. Can we understand calculus only knowing arithmetic? Possibly, but it won’t be easy, and it’s not the best way to go about it.
Typically to get to calculus, you need the following subjects, and relatively in this order, to understand it:
Basic arithmetic > algebra > geometry/trig > calculus
Ok, so we have at least several classes worth of understanding before we can really understand something as complex as calculus effectively.
Racism kind of looks like this in the same way:
“Racism by the dictionary definition” (entry level understanding) > systems of oppression > understanding power dynamics > privilege and institutionalized racism (complex understanding of racism)
The biggest problem we have today, and I’ve figured this over and over, is that people don’t have any more than the foundational knowledge of what the full scope of racism is. Unfortunately we use the word racism to explain most of it, instead of realizing that racism, and institutionalized racism, are similar, but one is a much bigger and more complex topic, and is not easily understood without also understanding and grasping systems of oppression, and power dynamics.
How can we possibly expect people to have a conversation about the full scope of racism, if they truly believe that racism is no more complex than “judging someone based on their race/color of their skin” or something as simple as that.
It’s no wonder people say “I’m not racist” when the only criteria is not judging someone by the color of their skin, without fully understanding how complex racism really is in a bigger picture.
It’s basically like asking if the understand calculus when they never made it past what’s possible on a 4 function calculator.
If anyone with more understanding of this would like to correct me, or add input, please let’s discuss!